Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mothers Questionnaire (from the kids point of view)

I saw this on a friends blog and fell in love with it!! I had to see what my kids would have to say! They are so funny and cutie! I love my children!!

1.) What is something your mom always says to you?

Shaylee (6yrs)- Clean your room
Kaitlyn (4yrs)- Clean up
Sierra (3yrs)- Thank you

2.) What make mom happy?

Shaylee- when I be good
Kaitlyn- Being Reverent at Church
Sierra- Funny faces

3.) What makes mom sad?

Shaylee- when I be bad
Kaitlyn- When dad yells
Sierra- when someone is being mean to her

4.) How does your mom make you laugh?

Shaylee- Tickles me
Kaitlyn- when she loves me
Sierra- funny faces

5.) What was you mom like when she was a child like you?

Shaylee- good and bad
Kaitlyn- talked just like me
Sierra- she played games

6.) How old is your mom?

Shaylee- 20 or 20 something
Kaitlyn- I think 6 like Shaylee
Sierra- a 3 and a 5

7.) How tall is your mom?

Shaylee- 30
Kaitlyn- as tall as a Mommy
Sierra- this big (motion with hands)

8.) What is moms favorite thing to do?

Shaylee- got to the temple
Kaitlyn- not ruin anything
Sierra- swim

9.) What does your mom do when your not around?

Shaylee- go to the store
Kaitlyn- go a pick me up
Sierra- just play at home

10.) If you mom became famous what would it be for?

Shaylee- being good and nice to others
Kaitlyn- for watching TV
Sierra- talking on the phone

11.) What is your mom really good at?

Shaylee- cooking food
Kaitlyn- being reverent at church
Sierra- playing games

12.) What is your mom not good at?

Shaylee- eating all her food
Kaitlyn- yelling at dad
Sierra- playing games with me

13.) What does you mom do for a job?

Shaylee- build homes
Kaitlyn- Do the computer
Sierra- homework

14.) What is your moms favorite food?

Shaylee- Roman
Kaitlyn- chicken and spaghetti
Sierra- sandwiches

15.) What makes you proud for your mom?

Shaylee- Going down slippery slides
Kaitlyn- Sitting at the table when eating
Sierra- being happy

16.) If your mom was on TV what would she be?

Shaylee- in a church
Kaitlyn- Be a vampire with werewolves
Sierra- in a costume

17.) What do you and mom do together?

Shaylee- swim
Kaitlyn- Go on trips
Sierra- Play ring around the roses

18.) How are you and your mom the same?

Shaylee- same skin color
Kaitlyn- we were the same age once
Sierra- both girls

19.) How are you and mom different?

Shaylee- not the same age
Kaitlyn- She old and I'm little
Sierra- She plays with friends more

20.)How do you know your mom loves you?

Shaylee- Because she hugs me
Kaitlyn- Just because I know and she is proud of me
Sierra- Cause she hugs me and I'm her baby girl


Brandi Pace said...

That is sooo cute!!! I love it!

Christensen Kids said...

That's cute. Kids are so funny!

The Shepherds said...

Their answers are priceless Heidi! How cute is that?