Thursday, November 4, 2010

An Adventure At The Zoo

The Zoo this time was a little strange for us! First of all Shaylee was sick throwing up but we just kept on going, not because we are bad parents, but because I'm pretty sure she was doing it for the attention, she is always throwing up! (seriously) The 2nd thing was kinda of interested was when Mason seemed to really like looking at the baby crocodile until out of know where it attempted to eat his fingers by snapping at the glass. Mason jumped a foot and was scared to death! we all laughed pretty good. The 3rd and last thing was when Jeremy tried to get the kids up close for a pic with the big Gorilla as Jeremy turned his back to show how he wanted them to pose the gorilla got angry and punch the glass, aiming for Jeremy's back! Everyone jumped a with screams (that's how hard the hit was) The Gorilla was embarrassed and ran to hide under a toy ball. I have to say it was pretty funny to see how much it upset the poor thing as he kept peaking out from behind the ball to see if we had all left yet! It was an interesting day at the Zoo but the kids had fun and yes, Shaylee did stop throwing up and had some too!

This was taken on the train ride with Grandma Tressa and Grandma Holly

We all seemed to really enjoy watching the baby elephant!

Some Cute Looking Puppies

My in-laws dog "Tink" had 9 baby Bull Dog puppies, born just before Halloween this year! I want one, or any puppy for that matter, so bad! I'm thinking that for Christmas this year Santa Clause is going to bring our kids a puppy....cant wait!

Halloween 2010 style

This Year our Halloween consisted of lots of bread bowls and soup! Oh, and a little trick or treating. The kids had a blast and after it was all over we finally got some good news! Jeremy got called to work again! Its a been along 3 & 1/2 months on unemployment and finally we can get back to normal! I couldn't ask for anything more! I feel blessed in my life in so many ways and know that our heavenly father loves us!